Sunday, October 7, 2012

The secret: How I do it all

I am so excited to have a format for sharing what I learn as I strive to feed my family in the ways that God has called me to. I am blessed with 4 kids under 8 years old and I have a passion for feeding my family healthy food. We avoid refined grains and sweeteners and favor local, organic food.  On a tight budget, this means lots of creativity and time in the kitchen, baking, cooking and cleaning up.

 I also have a passion for "feeding" my kids' souls.  I want them to learn to love the Bible, to know exactly Who God is, and that He created them for the purpose of a loving relationship with Him.  What a huge job! 

I am often asked "How do you do it?"  or "How do you it all?" when people discover that I am involved in several ministries, cook much of our food from scratch and have four kids.  I tend stammer out something that is less than witty or informative like "You know..." or just flash an uncomfortable smile.  I find this question remarkably awkward for several reasons.  I feel very put on the spot.  And it's such a vague question.  How do I do what?  I can only imagine what this person is picturing my life to be.  And I know it must be very, very far from the truth.  Because I am finally ready to give a truthful, informative answer.  So, to those of you who've been wondering how I do it?...  Here it is:

I don't. 


I really, really don't do whatever is it that you think I do.   My house is rarely clean.  There are several (all?) closets in my home that will cause an avalanche if you open the door.  I regularly ask my mother in law to do simple things like sewing lost buttons onto clothing because I don't even know that I own a needle and thread much less know how to use it.  I am far too selfish in my marriage.  I lose my temper daily with my precious children.  They watch too much TV than I really think is healthy.  There are times I only throw in a load of laundry because someone has completely run out of clean underwear.  There have been entire weeks my kids haven't had a bath. 

Those delicious dinners I make my family?  They usually end with most of the food on the floor, someone using too much potty humor and a naked toddler standing on the table.  And the dishes are frequently still there in the morning. 

Certainly there are things I do well in life, but there are plenty I do badly (or just don't do at all.  Like Dust.)  I am truly thrilled to invite you to journey with me as I feed my family physically and spiritually.  But I want to first be clear that I don't do it all.  I do only what God calls me to do and what He's gifted me to do.  And I let the rest go.